Do UV Duct Air Purifiers Really Work? - A Comprehensive Guide

Ultraviolet (UV) lights are often used in air purifiers to help reduce the presence of bacteria, mold, and other microorganisms in the air. While UV lights can be effective in eliminating some of these substances, they are not powerful enough to eradicate all viruses in one go. On the other hand, HEPA filters are great for capturing viruses, with data showing that they can capture more than 99.9% of viruses in a single pass. UV lights can also remove substances such as bacteria and mold, but they don't get rid of dandruff or dust particles.

If factors like these cause allergies, there are other HVAC system upgrades you can do to feel better, such as installing an air purifier. While UV air purifiers can be effective in filtering bacteria from the air, there is a risk that these devices emit ozone. The EPA recommends using air purifiers with a carbon or HEPA filter for proper air filtration. With the right conditions and proper installation, UV lights can be very effective in eliminating viruses, mold, and bacteria.

The fact that you both work together can make your home or office a much healthier place. If you're thinking of installing a UV light for air conditioning, it is important to talk to a heating and cooling technician first. This is because the presence of particles can protect a microorganism from being bombarded by UV light. A professional with experience installing UVGi systems must consider a multitude of conditions when installing a system.

UV HVAC lights have many advantages, from reducing allergies and energy costs to preventing common air conditioner damage. Coil sterilization is the most common type of UV light for HVAC systems because it is less expensive than air sterilization and is similarly effective. While it's true that UV light units for HVAC systems have a lot going for them, there are a few reasons why an addition like this might not be right for you. For example, symptoms of black mold in an air conditioner include headaches that go away when you're outside, coughing, sneezing, skin rashes, nausea, and fatigue, and UV lights can prevent problems like this from forming right off the bat.

While it may seem like HVAC UV lights offer nothing but benefits, there are also some drawbacks to consider before making the investment. The authors suggest that low-dose UV light may be an effective way to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission in public spaces. There are different types available, and those that use UV light capture and destroy airborne viruses and bacteria. In addition, before you start looking for a UV light system for HVAC, you'll need to choose which of the two available types best suits your needs.

The cost of installing UV lights in an HVAC system depends on the type of lights you choose and whether or not an HVAC professional installs them. Even so, purifying the air in your home with UV lights isn't as simple as some manufacturers might make it seem and not every home really needs one of these systems. If you're considering adding a UV light to your air conditioning system, it is important to weigh all the pros and cons before making your decision.